Can I get short term disability and workers’ comp benefits?
Short Term Disability and Workers’ Compensation
Short Term Disability and Workers’ Compensation are two separate types of benefit plans. Short Term Disability (STD) is a private disability plan that you buy into through your employer. Workers’ compensation is a benefit provided to you, for free, through your employer.
Most STD policies have an exclusionary clause that prevent you from collecting STD benefits if the reason for your disability is a work injury. In other words, STD will not pay you any income if you have been injured at work. It’s STD’s position that you should pursue work comp benefits, not STD. Unfortunately, you may be denied both STD and workers’ compensation benefits. STD will deny you because your disability was caused by work AND work comp may deny your injury entirely for any number of reasons—leaving you with no income.
If you have been denied STD or work comp benefits, contact Midwest Disability, P.A. for a free evaluation. We will explain how we can help you obtain those benefits.