Those who have served the United States by joining the armed forces could be facing a number of issues when returning from deployment. These could be social issues, financial issues and medical or health-related issues. No matter what the case looks like, veterans in Minnesota need to make sure that they know exactly what benefits they can request.
The first thing to look at if you find yourself in this position is your compensation rating. The following information is for those who have a compensation rating that has been calculated to 100 percent permanent and total, which is also known as 100 percent P&T.
To start with, there are a pair of programs that Social Security uses to pay out these disability benefits. The first is known as the program for Social Security disability insurance. To be insured, you must have been employed for a long enough period of time, and you also need to have contributed to Social Security through your taxes. If you are, the benefits of this program can go either to you directly or to family members in some cases.
The other option is the program for Supplemental Security Income, which is commonly referred to as the SSI program. This one looks at the financial needs that you have and then pays out accordingly, so each case can be different.
Lastly, if you are interested in expediting the process, it is good to know that this is usually done for those who served more recently. It may not matter where you were when you were disabled, but you have a better chance of having the process expedited if it happened after Oct. 1 of 2001.
Source: Social Security Agency, “What types of benefits can I receive?” Oct. 29, 2014