Helping People With Disabilities Nationwide

SSD – Return To Work

Ticket to Work Program

“Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho! It’s Off to Work I Go!” Snow White’s Seven Dwarves aren’t the only ones ready for a day at the work site! So are you! You may wonder if you are allowed to work after being found disabled by Social Security. There are limitations and rules to this,...

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Ruling out “Other Work”

So from the five step process we know we need to prove you cannot do other work, not just the work you have done before.  There are a few rules we can use to help us rule out other work though, one of them being POMS § 416.962 Medical-vocational profiles showing an...

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Job Obsolescence

Proving a disability claim before Social Security Administration essentially involves showing an inability to perform past work or any other substantial work that exists in the national economy due to a diagnosable medical impairment(s). Social Security Administration...

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Injured At Work?

Find out if you can collect Work Comp benefits too