Helping People With Disabilities Nationwide

South Carolina Social Security Disability Attorneys

SC SSD Lawyers
My Injury Is Keeping From Work. Can I Collect SSDI Or SSI Benefits?

In America, almost 50 million people have a disability that keeps them from work. They include physical problems and mental issues. There are about one million people who live with a disability; and approximately two million that have a functional disability.

We all strive to live a full life, but if you cannot earn money and you cannot support yourself or your family, it can change your life. There are barriers to getting the money you need. There are two programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), available to help. Our legal team at Midwest Disability, P.A., can help too.

You Could Spend A Significant Time Without An Income

In South Carolina, thousands of people are waiting to hear about their disability claim. They often expect the process will take months, but it usually takes more than a year. That is significant when a two-income family suddenly must depend on a single paycheck. Or, worse, when a single income family is completely cutoff.

Dedicated To Finding SSDI And SSI Solutions

The initial application process usually takes about three to four months. However, almost 70 percent of those applications are denied. The first step in the appeal process is to file a Request for Reconsideration, but almost 80 percent of those requests are also denied, and they must go to at a disability hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.

It can take almost a year and half to get a hearing date, and then an additional two to three months to get a judgment. The time for the whole process in South Carolina – almost two years.

Hiring A Qualified South Carolina Social Security Disability Lawyer Can Help

We focus exclusively on helping families cut through the SSDI and SSI system. We will be prepared. Each case is unique, and they all have different results. We cannot guarantee your claim will succeed, but our experience has made a difference for thousands of clients.

We have negotiated favorable out-of-court settlements. Our team has obtained successful results in federal district courts, U.S. Circuit Courts and even before the U.S. Supreme Court. We will be accessible, communicative and responsive.

Your Chance To Succeed Improves When You Hire An Experienced Team

If you want to obtain acceptable SSDI and SSI benefits, call our compassionate and successful attorneys at 888-351-0427 or email us.

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