Helping People With Disabilities Nationwide

What Should I Expect at a Disability Hearing?

Winning Your Case at the Disability Hearing

The disability hearing (also known as an administrative law judge hearing or ALJ hearing) is the stage of the appeals process where you’re most likely to win an SSD or SSI claim. But winning is never a given — not even for people who have hired a lawyer.

To win, you have to know what to expect.

At Midwest Disability, we represent people in hundreds of ALJ hearings each year in locations around the country. This experience helps our attorneys to do a thorough job of preparing you for the disability hearing itself — and to effectively present evidence on your behalf and challenge the validity of any negative opinions that may be given by medical or vocational experts from the SSA.

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Where will my disability hearing be held?

Most hearings are held in conference rooms at Social Security Administration field offices in the state in which you live. Hearings can also be conducted with the aid of video conferencing technologies.

Who’s going to be there?

Disability hearings aren’t held in open court where anyone can attend. Generally, you, your lawyer (if you have one), the administrative law judge and a judicial staff member or court reporter will be the only people there. An SSA medical expert or vocational expert (or both) might also be asked to attend. Any others, family or friends, can be present and give testimony, but only with your permission.

What should I expect to happen?

The hearing is an official proceeding but it is generally not too formal. During the hearing, you can expect the judge to ask you questions about your life, your disability and how you’ve been affected by it. The judge will then make the best decision he or she can based on the facts in the record and on the testimony provided at the hearing.

Great People. Great Results. — Midwest Disability works for you.

Midwest Disability focuses solely on disability claims. We have more than 50 years of combined experience and we help thousands of people each year no matter where they live in the U.S.

Contact us online or call our offices directly at 888-351-0427 for a free case evaluation and consultation. All cases are taken on contingency, meaning there are no fees until we recover benefits.


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