Helping People With Disabilities Nationwide

Can I Collect Workers’ Compensation Benefits When I’m Collecting SSD Benefits?

If you have suffered a serious workplace injury, in addition to your pain and necessary medical treatment, you will likely have to miss work for an extended time. How can you make ends meet without your regular income?

Social Security Disability (SSD) and workers’ compensation (workers’ comp) are two avenues of relief you may be eligible for if you have a disability. If you will be unable to work for a year or longer, you may apply for and receive SSD benefits. You may also file a workers’ comp claim due to the work-related injury that caused your disability. A key question is this: How might your workers’ comp affect your SSD benefits?

At Midwest Disability, P.A., we realize you have plenty of questions about your recovery after an injury results in disability. Our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to help you obtain all benefits you are eligible for. We will evaluate your unique situation and inform you about how payments from either or both safety net programs may impact your total monthly income.

Visit our workers’ compensation page, to learn more. Free case review, and no office visit required.

You May Be Able To Receive Both, But There May Be A Catch

As an injured worker, you may be able to collect workers’ compensation and SSD benefits at the same time. However, receiving workers’ compensation may reduce the amount you can receive from the Social Security Administration.

According to rules affecting both types of benefits, your total income from either or both is limited to 80% of your average earnings before your injury. If your total benefits exceed this amount, your SSD benefits will be reduced accordingly. This reduction, also called an offset, will last for either the entire duration of the additional benefit or until you reach full retirement, whichever comes first. Confused? That is understandable. That is why we urge you to contact us with your questions.

If you receive a lump-sum workers’ compensation payment, this may also affect your monthly SSD payments. For information and help, consult with a lawyer.

We Can Help You Get Benefits For Which You Are Eligible

Ideally, before applying for either or both SSD and workers’ compensation after an on-the-job injury, you should seek legal help. It doesn’t cost you anything to ask questions about the benefits to which you may be entitled. We can help you obtain benefits without jeopardizing the amount you’ll get in your pocket when an injury or illness has left you unable to work.

Request a free consultation with an SSD attorney at Midwest Disability, P.A., today by calling us at 888-351-0427 or by emailing us. We help people with disabilities nationwide.

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Injured At Work?

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