Helping People With Disabilities Nationwide

Am I Eligible for Disability Benefits?

As we help you determine whether you are likely eligible for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, we will help you understand the following aspects of your eligibility:
  • Medical criteria
  • Vocational criteria
  • Procedural requirements and regulations
Medically, you may be eligible if you have a physical or mental condition that prevents you from working full-time. Vocationally, you may be eligible if you cannot pursue substantial gainful activity earning at least $1,000 per month. Procedurally, you may obtain benefits through an application or an appeal of a denied claim.

The lawyers of Midwest Disability, P.A., have helped many applicants obtain SSD benefits. In many cases, our clients’ claims had been denied and we helped them overcome initial denials by:

  • Gathering, evaluating and presenting medical evidence.
  • Verifying vocational aspects of your claim — such as that you cannot meet the rigors of your previous job because of a medical or mental condition.
  • Presenting a strong case through your application and/or appeal.

Wondering About Eligibility For Disability Benefits? Contact Our SSD Attorneys.

We will be glad to review your case and advise you as to whether we believe you are eligible. It does not matter which state you call home. We help clients throughout the U.S.

Call our office at 888-351-0427 toll free, or complete our free case evaluation form online. At Midwest Disability, P.A., all cases are handled on a contingency fee basis. We don’t get paid unless and until we recover benefits on your behalf, and our fees are reviewed by the SSA.

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