The Social Security disability system is structured to help older workers. In particular, as claimants reach the ages of 50, and then 55, the rules are relaxed so that it's easier for them to qualify for disability benefits. But as claimants reach retirement age,...
Helping People With Disabilities Nationwide

SSD – Retirement, Survivors, Disability Insurance (RSDI)
What is Retirement, Survivors & Disability Insurance?
The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers the Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (RSDI) program. A portion of an individual's earnings or payroll taxes fund gets withdrawn from their paycheck. The SSA divides these funds among applicants...
When income ends, RSDI may help
For years, your family has lived off of your spouse's income. Then, suddenly, that income ends. Your spouse suffers an injury or contracts an illness that leaves them disabled.What does this mean for your family? Naturally, your first thought is for your spouse and...
Do you have questions about RSDI benefits?
Do you have questions about Retirement, Survivors, & Disability Insurance (RSDI) that you just cannot seem to find the answers to? It can be a bit confusing. This is compounded by the fact that you know just how important those payments are. You want to get it...

Injured At Work?
Find out if you can collect Work Comp benefits too