Helping People With Disabilities Nationwide

There are a few different kinds of disability benefits available through the Social Security Administration. One of the programs is Supplemental Security Income. Supplemental Security Income is also known as SSI or T16 benefits. SSI is designed the help blind and disabled people who have little to no income and limited assets. This is different from Social Security Disability Insured Benefits. Insured Benefits require you to pay Social Security taxes. Supplemental Security Income does not require that a person pay into Social Security taxes. It does, however, have income and asset limitations. And the income and asset limitations apply to spouses.

Social security uses the term “deeming” to identify the process of considering your spouse’s income to be yours. If you have been approved for Supplemental Security Income, the Social Security Administration will need to collect information about your spouse’s income. If your spouse works and is not eligible for disability benefits, the Social Security Administration will look at her income to see if some of the income needs to be deemed to you. This is done because Social Security expects your spouse will use some of her income to take care of you. The Social Security Administration field office will request information from you about your household income if you are approved for benefits. This is obtained in a Pre-Effectuation Review Conference (PERC) appointment. At a PERC appointment you should bring your bank statements and your spouse’s wage statements if she works. You should also bring titles to any property or automobiles you own as well as mortgage information and any financial or food assistance. The Social Security Administration will then perform a calculation to determine how much your monthly benefits will be.


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