Helping People With Disabilities Nationwide

When you apply for social security disability, the Social Security Administration gathers information about what kind of work you have done in the past. This information is gathered in a few different ways. When you apply, you will receive a form called a Work History form. It is important that you fill that out completely so the Social Security Administration has accurate information about what you did in the past. Social Security will also get information about your earnings. They will determine if the work you did in the past was done at substantial gainful activity.

If you are over 50, the work you did in the past is very important. During a hearing, a vocational expert will classify each job with a title and 9 digit code from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Some jobs are not easily defined. Some jobs are considered “composite jobs.” A composite job is considered composite if multiple Dictionary of Occupational Titles are necessary to define all of the main duties of the job. One example of a composite job is a nurse scheduler. A nurse scheduler has to be able to answer medical questions from other nurses to triage medical situations but also does clerical work, for instance creating a schedule. To return a claimant back to the nurse scheduler position, the claimant must be able to perform the nurse components of the jobs (answering medical questions) and the clerical duties. If you cannot perform all of the duties, the judge should not return you to that position at Step 4 of the disability process.


Injured At Work?

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