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Why do disability claims often get denied?

On Behalf of | Jun 16, 2020 | SSD - Social Security Disability Process And Benefits |

Applying for and receiving Social Security Disability (SSD) is far from a slam dunk. Countless individuals who submit their applications for benefits end up receiving denial letters in the mail. You can save yourself a lot of time and effort by familiarizing yourself with the many reasons why reviewers may deny your claim.

Most individuals wishing to receive either Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) must have a medical ailment that they expect to last 12 months or more (or one that will end in their premature death) to be eligible for disability benefits.

The SSA is likely to deny your request for SSDI benefits if you haven’t made adequate paycheck contributions to the SSA. The federal agency may also reject your application if your income exceeds the substantial gainful activity level that they’ve established. Your SSI claim, on the other hand, can be rejected because you don’t meet the restrictive income and resource requirements that can bar access to the program.

Your claim can also be denied if you lose contact with the agency. Reviewers routinely follow up with applicants about their claims when they have additional questions. They may deny your application if they fail to reach you on several attempts.

Your claim can also be denied if you fail to attend a third-party medical evaluation and lack documentation about the severity of your condition. Less commonly, claims can be denied when someone’s disability was brought about solely by drug or alcohol use or someone refuses to follow their doctor’s recommended course of treatment for no good reason (assuming that treatment could either cure their condition or make it manageable).

At least two-thirds of individuals who apply for benefits end up with denied applications. Save yourself time and energy by having a Social Security Disability attorney in Minneapolis shepherd you through the application process. You have a better chance of achieving success in your Minnesota case if you do so.


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