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Why Was My Workers’ Comp Claim Denied?

On Behalf of | Jul 23, 2020 | WC - Denied Claims |

After applying for benefits, it may come as a shock when you receive the news that your claim was denied. How is this possible? You were hurt at work and did everything you thought you needed to do, so what happened?

Unfortunately, many injured workers find themselves in this very situation. And in some cases, their claims are denied not because of something they did wrong, but because the insurance company tried to find a reason to deny the claim. Remember, insurance companies lose money by paying out claims, so they will try to find any reason at all to deny even valid ones.

Here are a few of the most common reasons why insurance companies may try to deny workers’ compensation claims:

  • Your injury did not occur within the scope of your job. The adjuster may claim that you were not performing a job duty when you were injured, therefore, you are not entitled to benefits.

  • You acted negligently. The insurance company may try to claim that you were involved in “horseplay,” under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or otherwise acting negligently when your accident and injury occurred.

  • You did not notify your employer in time. Depending on the injury, you may have a certain number of days to report the injury to your employer.

  • You never received medical treatment. If you are injured at work, you must receive medical attention for your injury in order to claim benefits; medical records are needed to show that your injury was a direct result of your work.

  • Your injury was a pre-existing condition. The insurance company may claim that you had the condition before your work accident, such as if you injured your back but had a previous back injury caused by a car accident; keep in mind that you may still be entitled to benefits with a pre-existing condition if your work aggravated your condition.

Helping You File an Appeal

If your workers’ comp claim was denied or if your benefits were cut off or reduced prematurely, you should immediately hire a workers’ compensation attorney to ensure your rights are protected. The insurance company’s denial is not the last word on the matter. Whatever the reason that the insurance company gave for denying yours, you may still be entitled to benefits.

At Midwest Disability, our Minnesota workers’ compensation attorneys have a long track record of success in helping our clients file lawsuits and to obtain the benefits they rightfully deserve. Let us put our experience, knowledge, and skills to work for you so that you can focus on healing the right way.

Contact Midwest Disability at 888-351-0427 to schedule your free consultation. There are no fees and no obligations to sit down and discuss your legal options with our attorneys.


Injured At Work?

Find out if you can collect Work Comp benefits too