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Those with epilepsy may be able to get SSD benefits

On Behalf of | Aug 12, 2020 | SSD - Social Security Disability Process And Benefits |

Do you struggle with taking new medications, unrelenting seizures of various kinds and the inability to plan for your day because of your medical condition? Many people with epilepsy deal with seizures over much of their lives. Others who take medication find that it slowly stops working over time.

You may have come to the conclusion that there is no way that continuing to work will to be safe for you. It may be time to seek disability benefits.

Can a person with epilepsy qualify for Social Security Disability benefits?

With epilepsy, you can seek Social Security Disability (SSD) payments. However, you do need to show that your seizures are disabling. Eligibility for disability benefits requires you to show that you’re unable to work a normal job or get a driver’s license, for example.

When you make a claim, you should include as much medical information as you can. You should have letters from your medical provider, test results, documents showing that you cannot drive or have a limited ability to drive, and other medical details that will help the Social Security Administration (SSA) understand how serious your condition is. The Social Security Administration will look at the claim and evaluate it closely to determine if you’ve been or will be disabled for at least one year.

The SSA will also ask if you are working at all right now. If not, you should show how your condition affects your ability to work. For instance, you may want a past employer to provide a letter discussing the dangers of having you work your past job or a note from a medical provider that requires you to stay off work.

Once you submit your claim, the SSA compares your condition to the Listings of Impairments. If you’re having regular seizure activity, you may qualify for disability. All kinds of seizure activity, from tonic-clonic to partial seizures, could allow you to qualify based on how they effect your life.

It is normal to have a claim denied

Unfortunately, many SSD benefit applications are initially denied. This is completely normal. Do not take no for an answer. Continue following your treatment plan while you go through the appeal process, and don’t give up until you receive the benefits to which you are entitled.


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Find out if you can collect Work Comp benefits too