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Waiting on a Decision: Post Hearing Development

by | Nov 30, 2020 | SSD - Social Security Disability Process And Benefits |

You just had your Social Security Disability hearing before an administrative law judge so now what? The two most frequently asked questions people want to know post hearing are the following: 1) Do I have to do anything thing else or provide any additional information? And 2) How long will it take to get my decision? Regarding question number one, sometimes there is need for post hearing development. Post hearing development could mean a variety of things including providing additional evidence, submitting updated representation forms, an order requiring you to attend a consultative examination, or a supplemental hearing has been set. Waiting on additional evidence is generally the most common form of post hearing development. This means the judge is waiting on additional medical records or other documents (i.e. paystubs) be submitted before they make their decision. Your attorney’s office is often times responsible for ordering and submitting medical evidence; however, if the judge is requesting paystubs or other miscellaneous documents, it is important you get those to your attorney as soon as you can so those can be submitted into the record. Additionally, the judge may delay sending out the decision if they are waiting on updated representation forms. It is important there is a signed 1696 and fee agreement in the file. Thus, make sure you have signed those updated forms with your attorney representative’s name on them. Thirdly, the judge could require you to attend a consultative examination post hearing. The consultative examination will have to be scheduled, and it is crucial you attend. Finally, in rare cases a supplemental hearing might be set to get additional testimony if necessary. Overall, it is important to work with your attorney prior to the hearing to make sure all necessary documents are submitted and post hearing to understand what post hearing development is necessary so you can receive a decision as quickly as possible.


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