Countless Minnesota residents suffer from seizures. Many of these happen following a patient’s diagnosis with medical conditions such as meningitis or a stroke or following a closed head injury. There are other instances in which it may be difficult for doctors to determine what led to a patient’s seizure. The fact that there are multiple varieties of seizures makes it even more difficult for physicians to explain why these sudden medical events occur.
What are seizures?
Doctors classify unexpected electrical disturbances in a patient’s brain that result in a person’s emotional or behavioral shifts, loss of consciousness and involuntary movements as seizures. Most of these episodes last no more than two minutes. Individuals who suffer from recurrent seizures generally receive epilepsy diagnoses.
The different types of seizures that exist
Generalized seizures affect multiple areas of the brain. Atonic ones often result in an individual losing muscle control. Tonic seizures often cause a stiffening of a person’s leg, arm or back muscles. Either phenomenon can cause someone to fall to the ground. Clonic seizures often result in a person experiencing rhythmic muscle spasms along the arms, face and neck. Most seizures that people see depicted in the media are tonic-clonic, or grand mal, seizures. Patients who suffer these often experience a loss of bladder control, body shaking and stiffening, unconsciousness and bite their tongues.
Focal seizures happen when an individual experiences abnormal electrical brain impulses. They don’t always result in a person losing consciousness. Focal seizures with impaired awareness may lead an individual to engage in repetitive movements such as swallowing or hand rubbing. Someone may exhibit these symptoms while unconscious; however, a loss of consciousness isn’t a given. Individuals who don’t pass out may experience sensory issues such as flashing lights, dizziness or tingling or irregular movement of their legs or arms.
What to do if you suffer seizures
You should seek out medical attention at the first signs of any prospective seizures for a full evaluation. While many people can manage their seizure disorders with medication, others find that they overtake their lives, making it hard to remain gainfully employed or enjoy their hobbies. A Social Security Disability Benefits for Illness attorney can help you compile the necessary records to document how your seizures impact your ability to live and work here in Minneapolis.