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Is receiving Social Security disability and VA benefits possible?

On Behalf of | Nov 5, 2021 | SSD - Veterans' Issues |

Being a veteran is an honorable title, but far too often, individuals who have served in the military suffer wounds that are both difficult to see and to recover from. In fact, many veterans face life-changing injuries and other harm that result in an inability to hold gainful employment. While veteran’s benefits may be able to help, many also wonder whether they could also obtain Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. 

Fortunately, in many cases, qualifying veterans can receive both veteran’s benefits and SSDI benefits simultaneously. However, even if someone is already receiving VA benefits, that person must still apply for and receive an approval for SSDI before he or she can start receiving that income. If a person is unable to carry out substantial work for at least one year due to a disabling condition, he or she may meet the basic requirements for SSDI. 

Other important details to understand regarding receiving benefits from multiple sources include the following: 

  • Receiving VA benefits will not lead to a reduction in the amount of SSDI a person could receive. 
  • If a veteran is able to return to military work, he or she must inform the SSA for a review to determine whether benefits can continue. 
  • If a person has received a permanent and total disability rating from the VA, the application for SSDI may be expedited. 

Commonly, veterans and their needs are overlooked. However, if individuals living with a disability due to their military career believe that it could suit their circumstances, applying for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits may be a step toward gaining much-needed financial assistance. If individuals have questions or concerns about receiving both VA and SSDI benefits, they may want to discuss their particular case with experienced SSDI attorneys. 


Injured At Work?

Find out if you can collect Work Comp benefits too