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What to do when a Social Security Disability claim is denied

On Behalf of | Apr 6, 2022 | SSD - Denied Disability Claims |

When a person is involved in an accident and suffers debilitating injuries, he or she may be left with countless concerns about the future. Usually, one of the most pressing concerns is how those injured will be able to support themselves and their families financially. Luckily, Social Security Disability was established for this reason. However, over 60% of initial claims are denied. Here’s what to do when a Social Security Disability claim is denied.


When a Social Security Disability (SSD) claim is denied by the Social Security Administration (SSA), they will send a document which explains why they denied the application. If the applicant disagrees with this decision, he or she has the right to file for reconsideration and have the SSA review the case again. The applicant must file the reconsideration within 60 days of receiving the official decision.

New medical evidence

If there are any changes in the applicant’s medical condition while he or she is applying for SSD benefits or appealing a decision, the SSA must be notified. Although the additional paperwork may seem arduous and challenging, it can be very helpful when requesting an appeal. Any new medical evidence submitted may give evaluators more reasons to award SSD benefits.

Consult an attorney

Receiving a denial for SSD benefits may seem troubling. However, for those who are wondering how to appeal an unfavorable SSD decision, contacting a disability attorney can prove invaluable. An experienced attorney can provide guidance throughout the appeals process and also provide peace of mind as applicants deal with further financial and legal responsibilities.


Injured At Work?

Find out if you can collect Work Comp benefits too