No person expects to suffer an injury that prevents them from working and enjoying life. However, this happens to thousands of Americans every year. Fortunately, those who are injured and cannot work may apply for SSDI benefits. However, around 65 to 70% of initial applications are denied. To begin the appeals process, those who have received a denial should file a request for reconsideration.
What is a reconsideration?
Basically, a reconsideration is a complete review of an applicant’s claim and happens at the Disability Determination Services (DDS) level. A reconsideration must involve medical consultants and examiners who were not a part of the original decision, so any claims examiners and medical consultants involved in the initial case will not be included. About 10 to15% of reconsideration claims are accepted by DDS.
How to begin a reconsideration appeal
The initial denial notice applicants received included information about their right to request a reconsideration. The notice also contains a paragraph about the applicant’s medical condition. To begin a reconsideration apparel, the applicant must contact his or her local Social Security Administration office and submit the initial denial information. If the claim is again denied, the applicant will receive a denial notice and an explanation like the one he or she received after the initial claim denial.
Receiving a denial after applying for Social Security Disability Insurance is common. However, it is important for an applicant to understand why his or her claim was rejected. Those who have been denied SSDI benefits can get help by contacting a seasoned legal representative. A knowledgeable and trusted attorney can answer questions and help applicants file an appeal when they are ready.