Some people work white-collar jobs that they can likely continue performing even after a serious injury. Others need to be able to move their bodies freely and frequently to fulfill their job responsibilities. Factory work can be some of the most demanding and rewarding work possible. If someone gets hurt on the job at a factory in Minnesota, their injuries could very well force them to take time away from their job. Traumatic injuries might leave someone unable to stand or lift, while repetitive stress injuries might make performing the same functions as usual very painful.
Factory workers who have been hurt on the job may potentially benefit from filing a worker’s compensation claim. What kinds of benefits can help blue-collar workers injured in a factory setting?
Comprehensive health benefits
The workers’ compensation program in Minnesota can completely cover the cost of someone’s medical care in many cases. Medical necessity, the prognosis of the injured worker and their compliance with medical instructions can sometimes limit what workers’ compensation will cover. The health benefits available make treatment accessible regardless of the patient’s insurance status.
Permanent disability benefits
Some workers may need to move into a new profession because a repetitive stress injury means they can’t put in eight hours on the line anymore. They might qualify for permanent partial disability benefits to cover some of their lost earning potential. In rare cases where worker injuries are so severe that they can no longer work at all, total permanent total disability benefits may also be available. Although disability benefits won’t fully replace lost wages, they can provide support that helps an injured worker continue paying their basic expenses while unable to work.
Understanding the benefits available through workers’ compensation might push someone who is injured or who is showing signs of repetitive stress to make use of the benefits that exist for their protection.