The ‘Walking Wounded’ of the Economic Downturn
With the economic downturn came a number of changes for both claimants and those who represent claimants in the area of Social Security Disability benefits.
Lost jobs: Many people who lost their jobs tended to be older workers with some type of disability, but these people could still work. Were it not for the recession, and the ensuing need of businesses to tighten their finances, many of these workers would likely still be employed despite their disabilities.
The ‘walking wounded’: Because these people are older, have some type of disability, and are finding it extremely difficult to find another job, they’re forced to make a claim for disability benefits. Many of them qualify for benefits because of their disabilities; hence, the overall rise in disability claims in the U.S.
Rise of corporations: As the economy declined, more corporations staffed with non-lawyers and paralegals got into the game, taking advantage of the opportunity.
Hire a Lawyer, Not a Corporation
Here are five reasons to hire a lawyer to represent you in your Social Security Disability claim:
- Many national corporations send their representatives from out-of-state and may not fully understand the facts of your case, the true nature of your impairment, and may not adequately prepare you for your hearing.
- Corporations are typically staffed with non-lawyers, who have little to no legal training; thus, you are not likely to get the same level or type of service that a trained lawyer offers.
- Your local or regional Social Security Disability lawyer’s reputation rests on his or her success record, more so than a corporation that sends representatives from out-of-state.
- An attorney who is devoted to practicing Social Security Disability law is much more likely to still be practicing law after the economy improves, unlike a corporation that got into the business solely because of the economic downturn.
- It doesn’t cost you anything upfront for an attorney – and the non-lawyer representative from a corporation isn’t free, either – so it makes sense to put your money with a law firm, which will only charge a fee after a successful outcome.
If you’re disabled and out-of-work, consider hiring the services of a dedicated law firm.
Source: Rise in Disability Claims Leading to More Business, Competition