Do you have a family member/loved one who receives Social Security Disability benefits? It could be your mother, spouse, sister, child, grandmother, etc.
This will mainly apply only if your loved one receives Social Security disability through the SSI program. This program is attached to Medicaid, which offers payment to someone to care for the disabled person. The rules vary from state to state, so contacting your state Medicaid office is where you must start.
The Caretaker Child Exception is a Medicaid exemption allowing an adult child to be “paid” to provide care to an aging parent. Instead of financial assistance, the parent’s home is transferred to the adult child as form of payment. A Medicaid Services Planner should be consulted before attempting this to avoid any penalties from Medicaid.
If the disabled person is a veteran, there are also special programs for veterans to receive help with daily living needs and household needs, called the Veteran-Directed Home and Community-Based Services. Additionally, the Aid and Attendance Benefits program provides additional monthly payments in addition to the veteran’s VA benefits to cover the cost of a caregiver.
While the Social Security attorney that aided in obtaining disability benefits for you is a good place to ask questions on this topic, your attorney will likely offer additional and more helpful supports as well.