Minnesota Lawyers Helping Injured Workers

What If My Employer Refuses To File My Claim?

If your employer is refusing to file your claim for workers’ compensation benefits, you should speak with an attorney right away. You are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for any work-related injuries. Work-related injuries may include:

  • Injuries from an accident at work – such as a fall from a ladder, an injury from a defective machine, and other types of work injuries
  • Repetitive stress injuries that develop over time – including back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Injuries that are work-related but occur off-site – such as injuries from a car accident while driving as part of your job

A lawyer can help you pursue the benefits you deserve, assist you with filing a workers’ compensation claim and represent your interests at every stage of the process.

Employers’ Responsibilities In Minnesota

When you report a work-related injury, your employer is required to complete a First Report of Injury and notify its workers’ comp insurance provider. Your employer must provide you with a copy of this form and the state-required employee information sheet, which explains workers’ compensation in Minnesota and your rights. Then, your employer’s workers’ compensation provider should provide you with the benefits you need to cover medical expenses and lost wages. Contact Midwest Disability, LLC. today to schedule a free consultation. You can reach us at 888-387-4135.

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