Workers’ Compensation For Rotator Cuff Shoulder Injuries
Have you suffered a shoulder injury, such as a rotator cuff injury, at work? At Midwest Disability, LLC., our Minneapolis shoulder and rotator cuff injury lawyers help people throughout Minnesota overcome these injuries by getting the compensation they need. While shoulder injuries may be the result of a single accident, many are repetitive motion injuries. They are caused by repeating the same motion over and over. They may be lifting injuries or injuries associated with working at a factory or in an industrial setting and performing the same duties day in and day out. Whatever the case, you can benefit from the years of experience that our work comp lawyers offer.
Rotator Cuff And Shoulder Injuries Are Hard-To-Heal Injuries
Rotator cuff and other shoulder injuries are notorious for lingering for years. Before the victim is healed, he or she may have to undergo one or more surgeries. Significant amounts of physical therapy may also be required. Even after the pain goes away, there may be a range of motion issues that need to be addressed. If it was a work injury, workers’ compensation benefits should cover all associated medical costs, as well as lost wages. Our job is to make sure you get all the compensation available.
Are You Entitled To Benefits?
If you have purchased a policy through your employer or privately, your shoulder or rotator cuff injury may make you eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, whether the injury was suffered at work or outside of work. Getting those benefits from the insurance company is no simple task. Our lawyers are here to help.
Schedule a free work injury case evaluation today. Call 888-387-4135 or contact us online to reach out to a Minnesota lawyer.