Minnesota Lawyers Helping Injured Workers

Workers Injured In The St. Cloud Area: Our Workers’ Comp Law Firm Is Here For You

While the population of St. Cloud may seem moderate in size, the city is, in fact, the largest population area in Central Minnesota. It is also less than an hour’s drive from the Twin Cities metro area. For these and other strategic reasons, its importance to the economy of Minnesota cannot be understated. Its population (and workforce) increased substantially throughout the first decade of this century and is likely to continue to grow.

According to the St. Cloud city government, the major areas of the local economy are the following:

  • Health care
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Business and financial

Other employment opportunities of note in the St. Cloud region include mining and logging, construction, transportation and food service. Workers suffering accidental injuries and occupation-related illnesses in these and all types of workplaces are typically eligible for work comp benefits.

Injured workers employed in the St. Cloud area can confidently reach out to the workers’ compensation attorneys at Midwest Disability, LLC. for advice and guidance. We offer clear direction for navigating the workers’ compensation system. Our lawyers help clients in and around St. Cloud and elsewhere throughout Greater Minnesota.

Isn’t Workers’ Compensation Automatic?

Many workers in St. Cloud seem to assume that workers’ compensation benefits will come to them automatically after an injury on the job. In fact, many employees and contractors whose work-related injuries are covered by workers’ compensation are surprised to discover roadblocks along the path to financial and physical recovery. Many soon realize the need for legal advice and assistance. Our St. Cloud workers’ compensation lawyers can clear up any misconceptions.

Were you injured at a medical care facility, a warehouse, a print shop or a food products manufacturing facility? Whatever the circumstances of your on-the-job injury and wherever you work and live, a trusted workers’ compensation attorney can alleviate your stress and protect your right to fair compensation.

Bring Us On Board At Any Point In Your Job Injury Recovery Journey

If you call us right away, our St. Cloud workers’ compensation attorneys can advise you on ways to protect your right to workers’ comp benefits, including medical care, wage replacement and sometimes more. If your injury leaves you with a lasting disability, we can explain how to navigate the Social Security Disability system as well as your workers’ compensation claim and/or appeals.

To schedule a free consultation, call our workers’ comp lawyers at 888-387-4135 or email us. You will not pay attorney fees until we help you recover benefits.


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